Protecting Transportation Workers from Infectious Disease

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Kentucky’s truck drivers play a vital role in our commonwealth and are one of the most vulnerable groups as it relates to exposure to infectious diseases. In addition to the increased exposures faced by drivers in their daily roles, a 2014 CDC study suggests that certain types of truck drivers are much more likely to have chronic underlying health issues such as heart disease and diabetes than the national average. These factors put drivers at a greater risk of not only becoming infected but becoming very sick from the illness. By following some common-sense practices, we can protect our valued truck drivers and improve their overall health.

Improve Overall Health

  • Encourage smoking cessation by going smoke-free, implementing incentive-based games, and introducing free apps such as quitSTART. (Over half of American truck drivers admit to being regular smokers)
  • Encourage healthy eating by posting tips for places that offer healthy options and provide employees with a small cooler for bringing healthy snacks from home.
  • Aim for 15 minutes of walking or other exercises daily. Studies show individuals engaging in 15 minutes of daily exercise have a 22% lower risk of death.

Cleanliness and Hygiene

  • Promote and communicate good hand and respiratory hygiene. 
  • Avoid handshaking and close human contact.
  • Provide ample amounts of sanitizing/ cleaning products such as hand soap, hand sanitizer, and cleaning wipes. 
  • When entering bathrooms for handwashing use sterilizing wipes for doorknobs, faucets, and other touchable items.
  • Frequently clean and sanitize commonly touched and shared items such as steering wheels, controls, tablets, cell phones, pens, clipboards tools, and equipment throughout the day and after each stop/location.
  • When fueling always use protective gloves or sanitize fuel pump nozzle prior to use.
  • Wash and sanitize hands frequently throughout the day. Hands should be cleaned before and after entering locations, after handling products or frequently touched/shared items, after fueling, before eating, after using the restroom, and after any close human contact. 
  • Discard gloves after each stop or location. If gloves are limited in quantity and used throughout the day, increased sanitizing of gloves is needed.  
  • Follow proper technique for glove removal and wash hands immediately after removal.
  • Stock up on food, drinks, and other items to avoid stopping at high-risk locations.
  • Provide drivers with some form of respiratory protection.
  • Be smart with clothing, shoes, and pocket litter items after the workday is over.
  • Consider taking clothes and shoes off before entering the home and sanitize all daily carry items including cell phones, pens, clipboards, wallets, and lunch containers.
  • Sanitize vehicle cabs, trailers, and controls daily.
  • Communicate frequently to reiterate safe practices and maintain awareness.


KEMI does not assume liability for the content of information contained herein. Safety and health remain your responsibility. This information is to be used for informational purposes only and not intended to be exhaustive or a substitute for proper training, supervision or manufacturers’ instructions/recommendations. KEMI, by publication of this information, does not assume liability for damage or injury arising from reliance upon it. Compliance with this information is not a guarantee or warranty that you will be in conformity with any laws or regulations nor does it ensure the absolute safety of any person, place or object, including, but not limited to, you, your occupation, employees, customers or place of business.
