What To Do If You Have A Near-Miss
What is a near-miss? A near-miss is an event or situation that had the potential to (but did not) result in an injury. Examples would be; tripping or falling over […]
What is a near-miss? A near-miss is an event or situation that had the potential to (but did not) result in an injury. Examples would be; tripping or falling over […]
Near-miss incidents may not result in an injury, but they are important and valuable events nonetheless. As we all know, close calls or “near misses” are situations in which a […]
The COVID-19 pandemic has many employers in the manufacturing industry wondering how to get work completed and keep their businesses going all while maintaining the safety of their workforce. Check […]
The workers in grocery stores and various retail shops encounter many customers each day. Therefore, they are at risk of encountering customers who may have COVID-19. Also, it is possible […]
All places of employment require regular cleaning. A clean workplace and good housekeeping are an important component of maintaining a safe work environment. It is best to clean work areas […]
As businesses are starting to reopen and employees are getting back to work, it is important to understand what personal protective equipment (PPE) is needed to protect employees against the […]