This year the focus of the Stand-Down is on “Fall Hazards” and reinforcing the importance of “Fall Prevention,” however your organization may participate simply by taking a break to focus on other safety topics. Managers are encouraged to plan a stand-down that works best for their workplace anytime during the May 8-12, 2017.

Organizations are encouraged to highlight their participation by sharing photos with KEMI via email ( or on social media (tag @KEMIworkerscomp and use the hashtag #standdown4safety).

Below are a variety of resources available from OSHA regarding the Safety Stand-Down. You may also want to check out their Suggestions to Prepare for a Successful “Stand-Down and visit their campaign page.

KEMI Fall Prevention Resources

Slips, Trips, and Falls

Multimedia Resources

  • Ladder Safety
    Falling from a ladder is a preventable accident that causes many workplace injuries. Jeff Floyd covers many aspects of Ladder Safety including tips to help avoid common mistakes. (5 minutes) Access the Spanish version here.
  • Slips, Trips & Falls
    Facts, tips and examples regarding one of the most common types of accidents (6 minutes)

OSHA Fall Prevention Resources

Employers may distribute pre-printed training materials, e.g., “Safety” Brochures, and OSHA’s Fall Prevention Campaign Resources consisting of: OSHA Fall Prevention Facts Sheets, Posters, Wallet Cards, Training Guide, Quick-Cards and Ladder/Safety Guidance materials located in:

Educational Materials & Resources for Workers & Employers
Campaign Fact Sheet
Campaign Poster
Fall Prevention Wallet Card
Fall Prevention Publications
Ladder Safety Guidance
  • Ladder Jack Scaffolds Fact Sheet (English: PDF) (2016)
  • Narrow Frame Scaffolds Fact Sheet (English: HTML PDF) (2014)
  • Tube and Coupler Scaffolds – Erection and Use Fact Sheet (English: PDF) (2014)
  • Tube and Coupler Scaffolds – Planning and Design Fact Sheet (English: PDF) (2014)
  • Scaffolding Booklet (English: HTML PDF) (2002)
  • OSHA Scaffold eTool
Additional Educational Materials
Training Materials
Stand-Down Partners
Prevention Videos (v-Tools)
Other Resources