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- Take into consideration and list all possible emergencies that could occur such as floods, tornadoes, fire, or workplace violence.
- Conduct a workplace hazard assessment.
- Determine how each possible emergency may affect company operations.
- Include the contact information for key company employees and list their responsibilities.
- Include the contact information for local emergency responders such as EMS and Fire.
- Include details on how rescue of employees will be conducted.
- Include information on how medical assistance will be provided.
- Develop a plan on when evacuation would be needed and if so specific details of that process.
- Include specific details on the duties key persons oversee and how those will be implemented.
- Determine if there are critical operations that may need to be shut down, who is responsible, and how it will be conducted.
- Post emergency evacuation maps and ensure exits are clearly marked and accessible.
- Include plans about how employees or visitors that may not speak English or has disabilities will be notified and assisted in the event of an emergency or evacuation.
- Identify and designate specific assembly areas and ensure employees know where they are located.
- Include information about how different types of emergencies will be reported, and how employees or visitors will be notified.
- Develop a training program to include frequency of drills and to ensure employees are aware of the type of emergencies that may occur and their responsibilities.
- Develop a plan for accounting for all employees during an emergency or evacuation.
- Include plans for notifying employees once an all-clear has been given and it is safe to return to work.
- Put the emergency action plans in writing if your company has more than 10 employees on a worksite.
Evacuation Plans and Procedures eTool. Develop and Implement an Emergency Action Plan (EAP). Emergency Action Plan Checklist. Retrieved from
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